“I’m not afraid of failure anymore, from now on, I’ll adhere strictly to the scientific farming guidelines!”

Through each failure, Mr. Son learned new experiences and realized that scientific farming is crucial for success, that each breed has its own characteristics and needs appropriate care to promote optimal productivity.

Someone has once said, there are always valuable lessons about failure behind success stories. That philosophy becomes more and more poignant through the sharing of husbandry profession of Mr. Son, residing in Thai Binh province.

To Mr. Son, village life was simple and people earn enough to eat, without much surplus. Utilizing the family’s land, he built a barn to raise a few dozen porkers to earn extra income. After each profitable season, he’d save a part to expand the farm, try out new pig breeds to enhance productivity; carry out veterinary care for livestock…

Dedicated as he was, there were still times when the going got tough. There were times when the pig herd was affected by a plague, he fell into debt. At other times, he barely made any profit because his herd was un-favored by traders. Through each failure, he learned new experiences and realized that scientific farming is crucial for success, that each breed has its own characteristics and needs appropriate care to promote optimal productivity. “I have failed many times, but I still want to stick with the livestock industry. If I’m doing this, I have to do it well” Mr. Son shared.

Diligently, every day for nearly 2 decades with husbandry, at the age of 60, Mr. Son finally bought a spacious house that can accommodate 3 generations and a pig farm with the total investment value of almost nearly 15 billion dong.

Mr. Son next to a spacious house built 3 years ago. Recognizing Mr. Son’s hardwork, his eldest son decided to quit his job to take care of the farm with him

He chose to raise commercial pig due to their economic efficiency fast growth cycle. At that time, his farm is raising 80 sows and 500 porkers

The GF24 (Camborough®48) gilts were imported in September 2018. Through monitoring, the average weaned pig yield was 11.5 piglets/sow/yield. As many as the sow deliver, he kept them to raise for meat. Traders highly appreciated the quality of pigs bought from Mr. Son’s farm

Based on long-term breeding experience, he is satisfied with the efficiency GREENFEED feedy. The pigs grow fast, gain weight quickly, have high immunity. Every month, he imports about 25 tonnes of feed for his herd

GREENFEED employees vaccinating against pneumonia for porker herd

Technicians of GREENFEED company regularly visit the farm and support with technical advice, adminiter veterinary check-ups and insemination process. 

Mr.Son’s feed warehouse is always stock-ready for the animals

After selling a herd of 60 porkers to a trader on the afternoon of January 28, Mr. Son calculated a profit of about 1.5 million dong per pig sold. He shared, after celebrating the Lunar New Year with his family, he and his son will plan to expand the pigsty and increase the size of the sow herd to 100 in order to increase breeding. He works with pride in the achievements he has made for his family and for consumers who have put their trust in clean pork raised by him. 

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